15 Free Bold Fonts You Should Be Using
I don’t have to tell you twice that selecting a typeface for your headlines and headers is important. Choosing the right typeface can really make your text stand out. A good display typeface can change the entire look and feel of a document or a website. With the implementation of Google fonts and @fontface, websites can now have rich, exciting typographic experiences as well, all with free bold fonts.
Whether it is on a printed document or a website, most readers scan large bodies of text so that they can get the general information that they need quickly and easily. The headers of each section are the what lets the reader know that a new section of content is starting. These fonts are mainly for display purposes, and should not be used as long body copy. Below is a selection of some of the best free bold fonts you should be using as your display typefaces.
Bold headlines get attention, which is their entire purpose. They are made to stand out and make the reader want to find out more information. These faces are too thick and bold to use in body copy, but pairing them with a nice body copy will make your text look elegant and beautiful. What display typefaces do you use? What free bold fonts would you recommend? Leave your answers in the comments section below.