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Selling the Better Idea: 50 Most Popular Premium WordPress Themes

by | Aug 19, 2014 | Articles, Web Design, Web Development, Wordpress | 1 comment

The 50 Most Popular Premium WordPress Themes

People want to be happy. It’s such a basic desire, and such a powerful force behind their lives. From the child who’s only trying to stay on his feet without falling, to the 59 year old felon who’s rethinking his life because he doesn’t have much else to do, we all want to be happy.

If you’re in business, that’s something well worth building your strategy on. Don’t sell products. Sell the idea. Sell the idea of the better life.

To do this successfully, you have to think about a lot of things. There is one that is absolutely essential, and it’s how you look. It’s how your shop looks. It’s how our website looks. People won’t believe you’re doing something worth their attention until they are perfectly mesmerized by what you’re doing. To do this, especially in the digital age of today, you have to have a stunning website.

Where do you get one? Theoretically, you can buy a custom design. However, it’s problematic as hell. Waiting is excruciating and often it just won’t work as you imagined it would. We have a different solution. Try ready-made layouts for WordPress. They are popular and get the work done perfectly. Thousands of people use them and you should too.

That’s the reason for today’s list. The 50 most popular and absolutely gorgeous WordPress themes for any business you can imagine, especially for yours. Are you ready?

Make Business Stronger: The Vamonos WordPress Design

Doing Business popular premium WordPress Themes

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Achieve Success: The Empire WordPress Layout

Financial Advisor Responsive Popular premium WordPress Themes

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Tell Your Story: The Connect WordPress Theme

Communications WordPress Theme

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Make People Fall in Love: The Holiday WordPress Template

Event Planner WordPress Theme

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Create Something Different: The RoofRepair WordPress Layout

Roofing Company WordPress Theme

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Conquer the Power: The Proind WordPress Design

Steelworks Responsive WordPress Theme

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Present Yourself: The Photographer WordPress Theme

Photographer Portfolio Responsive WordPress Theme

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Seize the Day: The Progress WordPress Template

Build Grow Startup WordPress Theme

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Make World Better: The Agrom WordPress Design

Farmer's Dream Service WordPress Theme

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Help People: The MediaCo WordPress Layout

Advertising Agency WordPress Theme

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Build Future: The D2 WordPress Skin

Exterior Design WordPress Theme

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Improve Everything: The Oblia WordPress Theme

Dream House Bureau WordPress Theme

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Rule the Information: The Backup WordPress Template

IT Responsive WordPress Theme

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Create a Trend: The Metro WordPress Design

Flat Consulting WordPress Theme

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Ride in the Sunset: The Transportation WordPress Layout

Transportation Responsive WordPress Theme

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Be Fashionable: The CARrepair WordPress Theme

Car Retro Elegance WordPress Theme

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Make a Discovery: The ITIdeas WordpRess Template

IT Consulting WordPress Theme

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Live Your Life: The Sailing & Yachting WordPress Layout

Yachting Responsive WordPress Theme

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Those Happy Times: The Wedding Planner WordPress Design

Tender Wedding Planner WordPress Theme

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Over the Top: The GYM WordPress Theme

Ultimate Fitness WordPress Theme

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Create Opportunities: The ProVector WordPress Template

Financial Advisor Responsive WordPress Theme

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Love Your Dream: The DREAMhome WordPress Design

Interior Design Responsive WordPress Theme

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Hear the Pulse: The Music News WordPress Theme

Music Fan Board WordPress Theme

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Inspire: The Life Coach WordPress Template

Life Coach WordPress Theme

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Play God: The Dinosaur Hall WordPress Layout

Museum Responsive WordPress Theme

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We, the People: The OurCity WordPress Design

City Portal Responsive WordPress Theme

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Breathe Fresh: The Softzone WordPress Theme

Web Development Responsive WordPress Theme

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Be a Pro: The Perfecto WordPress Template

Software Company Responsive WordPress Theme

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Go Mobile: The AppSoft WordPress Layout

Smartphone Software Store WordPress Theme

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Conquer the Market: The SmartDevelopment WordPress Design

Web Development WordPress Theme

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Achieve Results: The Security WordPress Theme

Locksmith Responsive WordPress Theme

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Carpe Diem: The Keeping You Protected WordPress Template

Security Responsive WordPress Theme

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NYPD: The Police WordPress Design

Police Responsive WordPress Theme

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Keep Guard: The Securex WordPress Layout

Locksmith Responsive WordPress Theme

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Secure With Style: The Protex WordPress Theme

Security Responsive WordPress Theme

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Color the World: The IT Support WordPress Template

Trustworthy IT Company WordPress Theme

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Be Sweet: The BestCakes WordPress Layout

Cute Sweet Shop WordPress Theme

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Capture the Essence: The Linda’s Bread WordPress Design

Bakery for Saving Tradition WordPress Theme

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Acquire Importance: The HS WordPress Theme

Hosting Solutions WordPress Theme

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Bring the Noise: The Proind DJ WordPress Template

DJ-Gold WordPress Theme

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Try Steel: The Proind Metal WordPress Template

Metal WordPress Theme

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Take It Easy: The Internet Caf? WordPress Design

Internet Cafe WordPress Theme

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Forget About Hunger: The Impresso WordPress Layout

Italian Restaurant WordPress Theme

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Win Over Fears: The EXtreme WordPress Theme

Extreme WordPress Theme

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Play Cheerfully: The MyPets WordPress Template

My pets WordPress Theme

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Taste the Taste: The WineStore WordPress Design

Wine Store WordPress Theme

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Live Like a King: The Gorgeous Hotel WordPress Template

Hotel WordPress Theme

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Introduce Yourself: The Tom James WordPress Layout

Personal Website WordPress Theme

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Divi WordPress Theme