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A list of a few Photoshop shortcuts

by | Jul 14, 2009 | Photoshop, Tutorials | 6 comments

Some of these shortcuts you may already know, and some you may never have heard of before. It all depends on your level of skill and experience with the program. Shortcuts are important, because they are time savers, and allow us to be more productive. In freelance work, our time is valuable, and any time that we can save to come in under budget will only benefit us in the end.
⌘+A selects everything on the screen.
⌘+D deselects everything on the screen.
⌘+R shows and hides your rulers.
⌘+I inverts the current image, layer, or selection.
⌥+⌘+I brings up the control panel for image size and resolution.
[ makes a brush become larger.
] makes a brush become smaller.
⌘+- or + makes you zoom out or further into a photo.
⌥+delete fills a layer with the current foreground color.
⌘+ delete fills a layer with the current background color.
⌘+J makes a duplicate of the current layer or selection.

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