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Easily Select Fire in Photoshop

by | Jun 16, 2013 | Photoshop, Tutorials | 1 comment

You can easily select fire in Photoshop

Fire is organic, loose and free. People are always looking for ways to easily select fire in Photoshop. Photoshop has all kinds of tools for making complex selections. You have the lasso tools, which allow you to manually select objects. These tools are great for making general selections of stray objects in your image. You also have the magic Wand Tool. This is a great tool for general selections, but doesn’t give much in the way of options. You could spend a lot of time trying to select fire in Photoshop, while making it look nice. Adding to your selection, and subtracting from it as well can be a real tedious process. One wrong click, and you get to start over again.

easily select fire in photoshop

You also have the Quick Selection Tool, that makes automatic selections of areas as you click and drag. The tools that I mentioned are great for getting the job done. The problem with fire is that it has so many variables. It has so many light areas and dark areas and it is transparent in areas. You can try to use Refine Edge and the sittings there to create a really complex selection, but that can still be hit and miss. So how do you easily select fire in Photoshop? The video below shows you a lightning fast method for selecting fire in Photoshop.


With this method, you can easily select any flame or fire image and turn it into a high resolution fire or flame brush for use in your design work. How did your fire selection turn out? With a little masking and manipulation you can create amazing custom fire brushes. You could also layer your fire selections to create custom fire designs. What do you think about this technique? Is there something else the trick in the video would be useful for? If so, share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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