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My Review of the WordPress 3.5 Update

by | Dec 11, 2012 | Articles, Web Development, Wordpress | 0 comments

My Thoughts on The New WordPress 3.5 Update

I am ecstatic about the new update to WordPress 3.5! The new Media Library looks great, and it works well. I like the look of WordPress 3.5 much better, over the look of the list view. The toolbar buttons look great and are much more prominent than before.

Wordpress 3.5 Toolbar

My favorite new feature though, is one that I have been anticipating for quite some time. I understand that you might have been able to achieve this with some plugin, but I don’t like adding a bulk load of plugins that aren’t necessary. The feature that I am talking about it the ability to select multiple images in the media library and insert them into a post at once. This is really easy in the new installation of WordPress.

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All you have to do is upload your images to the media library, and then click inside of your post. Click add media, and then click on Media Library to bring up all of the images that you just uploaded. You can shift-click on a sequence of images, or you can hold Command/Ctrl and click on multiple images that aren’t in succession.

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You’ll know that you’ve selected more than one, because each one will have a check next to it. Then, go to the bottom right and choose insert into post. All of your selected images will be placed in your post in succession. This feature alone will save article and tutorial writers tons of time. I could upload all of my screenshots at once and simply focus on writing. This feature is something I have been wanting for a long time.

Other Notes about WordPress 3.5

There are other additions in WordPress 3.5 such as a faster core, with additional javascript libraries and other features. Overall, I am happy and impressed with the new media Manager and its capabilities.

What do you think about the new WordPress update/ Do you like it? Or do you want to go back to the previous version?

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