Fonts With Specific Purposes
Every designer has a set of fonts that they like to use for most projects. Most of these typefaces are versatile and can be used in a wide variety of applications. You can use them in headlines and in large bodies of text as well. A great example of a general-purpose font would be Helvetica.
But, there are also fonts that — despite their obvious beauty — are only used for very specific purposes. These fonts were made for specific applications and contexts. While these typefaces suit their specific roles extremely well, designers should be well aware of when, where, and why those fonts excel. And, it’s equally important to know when not to use them.
Edwardian Script and Scriptina Pro
These two typefaces are great for formal applications. They are popular choices for wedding invitations and holiday cards. The swishes and swirls of the script typefaces add a sense of elegance that you just can’t achieve with any other typeface. Weddings are meant to be formal, so the classy and sophisticated styles of Edwardian Script and Scriptina Pro make them perfect fits. It would be hard to justify the use of these fonts in other applications. For example, you wouldn’t see Edwardian Script on the side of a football helmet, or any aggressive application. It’s also unlikely that you’d see Scriptina Pro on a toolbox brand logo, or a product that is being marketed for its durability.
The Stencil typeface is another font with a very specialized purpose. Stenciling is meant to be bold. Because of its rugged constructivist nature, it is usually used on something that has to do with buildings or structures. You might see Stencil used on the side of a sheet metal tool box, but it’s not likely that you would see it on a wedding invitation, or something that is designed to be formal or elegant. Stencil is thick with sharp edges, and it is very masculine in nature. It isn’t inviting or warm, and its overall purpose is not so much decorative as it is utilitarian.
With Stencil’s thick stroke and harsh edges, you immediately begin to make the connection between, the typeface and stone, rock, metal, and durability. You could easily see Stencil or any font like it used to brand a durable tool company’s products. See the toolbox shown below.