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Awesome Free Psd: Creativo WordPress Theme Psd

by | Oct 1, 2013 | Articles, Photoshop | 0 comments

Creativo WordPress Theme Psd

If you’ve been on Themeforest Lately, or Might Deals to check out the latest deals, then you have probably seen the Creativo WordPress theme. It is packed with so many features that any sort of discount is considered a steal. It is flexible, well designed and loaded with extras. Today’s freebie is one of the coolest freebies I have come across in a long time. The makes of Creativo are offering the Psd files from Creativo for free! You can pick up the entire Creativo WordPress theme Psd set, which includes several different layouts. It includes all of their common buttons and interface elements, and is a steal just by itself. You can preview the Creativo WordPress Theme Psd set in the images below.

Creativo WordPress Theme Psd Quote

You can see that all of the interface elements are included in the Creativo WordPress Theme Psd. All of the buttons, as well as the different types of layouts are present, so you can create your own theme or you can mix and match your own layouts quickly.

Creativo WordPress Theme Psd Faq Creativo WordPress Theme Psd archives


You can see from the shortcodes examples that all of the different types of layouts are present, such as thirds, fourths, tabs, buttons, alerts, accordions and more.

Creativo WordPress Theme Psd shortcodes

The blog layouts for the Creativo WordPress Theme Psd are clean and elegant. The content is emphasized here, with large images and a lot of details.Creativo WordPress Theme Psd portfolio2


If you decide to use the Creativo WordPress Theme Psd to create your own portfolio, they’ve thought of those layout styles as well. With a clean grid design, as well as a likes and comments system, your portfolio will be well organized and highly professional.Creativo WordPress Theme Psd portfolio Creativo WordPress Theme Psd blog2 Creativo WordPress Theme Psd blog Creativo WordPress Theme Psd Home

Download the Creativo WordPress Theme Psd

This Psd set is a great UI Kit for your own designs. It is the same Psd files that accompany the highly popular Creativo WordPress Theme. The Creativo WordPress Theme Psd is packed with all of the different UI elements that make up the theme. All you have to do to download the Psds is click the green download button below. The developers ask that you pay with a tweet or a like, so on their download page you will need to do that in order to download your Psd files, but it is definitely worth it.


Divi WordPress Theme