Cool Stuff For Designers
Continuing where I left off last week, I am continuing my weekly series promoting some articles and tutorials. They will keep you up-to-date on the latest news and techniques from around the web. This week there is a lot of cool stuff for designers on the web. You will find articles about new services, web fonts, jQuery plugins and more. There are even Twitter Bootstrap buttons complete with code. Be sure to check these articles and tutorials out on the web. This week they are chock full of information. It doesn’t matter if you are a digital artist, graphic designer, web designer, web developer, or an illustrator, there is something here for you. If you are looking for cool stuff for designers, you’ll find plenty of it below.
Useful JavaScript Libraries and jQuery Plugins
Building Forms That Convert – 6 Things to Keep in Mind
30+ Seamless Patterns for Photoshop
How to Integrate Paypal With WordPress
Perfect Workflow in Sublime Text: Free Course!
Quick Tip: Create a Bloody Text Effect in Photoshop Using Layer Styles
Source Code Pro: Adobe’s Second Open Source Font Just Released
How to Stop Wasting Time Developing for Internet Explorer
5 Funky WordPress Snippets to Customize Your Comments
Adobe Edge Web Fonts – A Free Service Powered by Typekit
70+ Subtle Patterns Perfect for Minimal Designs
35+ awesome and free @font-face kits
Adobe “Create the Web”
Bootstrap toggle buttons 2.3 – by Mattia Larentis
This was a great week for new content. There was plenty of cool stuff for designers out there. There was plenty to read, plenty to see, and plenty to learn. There were also a lot of good freebies like buttons and patterns for your projects. If you have come across some cool stuff for designers that you would like to share leave them in the comments below. Also, if you have a freebie, template, pattern, or a cool article, you can also email me and it may be featured in next week’s edition of “cool stuff for designers”.