Cut&Slice Me Photoshop Plugin
If you create your website assets in Photoshop, you know that it can be a real pain to export your graphics. Slicing everything up precisely is tedious and nerve-racking. Photoshop hasn’t changed the way that you slice up and export graphics since website were built using tables. That’s where today’s free plug-in comes in. Cut&Slice Me is a free Photoshop plug-in that you can use to export your web graphics. You have total control over how your graphics are exported. We’ll take a look at the Cut&Slice Me Photoshop plug-in and what it can do for you.
Have you ever sliced up graphics in Photoshop, only to export chunks of graphics that you don’t need? You end up producing extra files, and it also causes confusion. If you have overlapping slices, even by one pixel, you will produce extract graphic files that aren’t necessary. Cut&Slice Me will automatically slice your graphics, trimming pixels that you don’t need, and in the format that you specify.
Setting up your layers to work with Cut&Slice Me can be a little tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, it can save you a lot of time. You will need to save different button states in different folders. Also, depending on what type of file you want to produce, you will need to place a specific character at the end of your layer name that corresponds to the type of file that you want to produce as a result. This shouldn’t be that much extra work, because you should be organizing your assets into folders and properly named layers to begin with. The only extra work you’ll be doing is adding a special character at the end of your layer.
The Cut&Slice Me Photoshop plugin makes it easy to design for retina devices. You can design it your elements at full resolution, and then export them to the proper file format and resolution. Cut&Slice Me works with most versions of Photoshop, up until the latest update. You should definitely check out this awesome free plug-in if you create a lot of web elements.