8 Great Free Fonts
It’s great when you’re working on a new project and you’re in the development stage. You create sketches, refine shapes and you come up with a great finished product via your sketches. Then you bring your idea into either Photoshop of Illustrator and begin creating a digital version of your work. Finding just the right typeface that fits the look you were going for really hits the spot. Sometimes you have to craft your own typeface from thin air. Other times, you can find great free fonts that you can use or easily manipulate to create the design that you envisioned.
Each week I create a round up of free fonts to use in your work. This week I have a collection of 8 great free fonts you can download and use in your design work. Some are great for display purposes. Others are great for body copy. As a professional designer, you’ll have to make that judgement call yourself. Below, you’ll find 8 great fonts for a wide variety of projects. Each one has a personality of its own.
Klinic Slab
Kelson Sans
Flex Display
Which one of these great free fonts is your favorite? My two favorites are Kelson Sans and Municipal. I really like how Municipal stands out against the other typefaces. Each font has a strong presence that really stands out and gets your attention. Some are serif, some are sans-serif, and some are slab serif. I bet you’ll be able to find a wide variety of projects for each of these fonts. What will you use these fonts for? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.