Getting Educated In Web Design
Are you a computer whiz who possesses the creative flare of Tim Burton and the artistic finesse of Salvador Dali? Do you dream of using your unique blend of talents to add excitement to the worldwide web? Well, thanks to the plethora of online resources and training options, you can get prepared for your career in Web Design from the comfort of your own family room.
Here are a few of the many online resources that give you the credentials you need to become a Web Designer extraordinaire.
If you want to master the art of coding while building games and apps, social networking with your fellow students, and earning badges as you go, Codecademy is likely the perfect fit for you. And it’s free! Whether you need to master HTML, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, or several other programming languages, Codecademy’s “learn by doing” methodology and community-style delivery will make achieving fluency in coding both fun and easy. Named one of the 50 Best Websites of 2012 by Time Magazine, and back by a list of investors that includes Richard Branson, Index Ventures, Union Square Ventures, and more, Codecademy strives to make knowledge accessible to all. For more information, check out Codecademy CEO and Co-founder, Zach Sims’s, interview with CNN.
If you’d like to expand your mind while beefing up your portfolio, you may wish to opt for one of the many Web Design courses offered by Udemy. Create three original web designs while taking HTML5 & CSS3 Responsive Web Design. Publish the iPhone or Android apps that you create in Intro to Game Design with Unity 3D. Or master the art of Theme Park Design under the tutelage of a highly experienced Theme Park Designer. While these offerings are not free, they come at a variety of price points to fit every budget. Udemy recently celebrated its two millionth student and shows no signs of losing its foothold in the online education arena.
If you are ready to go for the whole enchilada–full certification as a Web Designer–you may wish to check out CIW, the world’s most popular Web technology school that is not affiliated with a specific vendor. Recipients of the CIW Web Design Specialist Certification will come away fully versed in CSS, SML, HTML, design elements, Microsoft Expression Web, Adobe Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Javascript, plug-ins, and more. CIW’s online courses come with all required course materials plus a variety of online resources including a pre-assessment, movie clips, course review questions, quizzes, flash cards, crossword puzzles, and practice exams.
Sessions College
Offering both a Web Design Certificate program or an Associate of Occupational Studies in Web Design Degree program, Sessions College enables adult learners to become fully qualified professionals by studying completely online. The Certificate program’s curriculum will teach you about design, coding, mood boards, Dreamweaver, and Adobe Photoshop–leading to the development of a professional portfolio. The two-year degree will provide students with a deeper understanding of everything from tools like Dreamweaver and Flash to coding to digital photography to Internet Marketing. Graduates will possess an impressive portfolio and a well-rounded education in all aspects of Web Design. If you have contemplated pursuing a degree, there are advantages to getting your design degree online.
Yes, you can put your computer skills, vivid imagination, and artistic abilities to good use doing a career you will love. So sit down in your comfiest chair, turn on your laptop, and get started arming yourself with the right tools to land the job of your dreams.
What online resource can you recommend to someone pursuing training in Web Design?
Kimberley Laws is a freelance writer, avid blogger, and former Personal Account Manager. You can follow her offbeat observations at The Embiggens Project and Searching for Barry Weiss.