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How to Push Content that Isn’t Ranking Well on Search Engines

by | May 4, 2018 | Articles, Seo | 0 comments

Content plays a remarkable role in ranking a site on top of search engines. However, some sites don’t rank on SERPs even with great content. Several factors are responsible for holding a website from ranking on search engines.

If you happen to own such site, then don’t get frustrated as we are about to reveal how to push content that isn’t ranking well on search engines. Read along to discover everything:

link building

Link Building

According to various search engines including Google, backlinks play a key role in ranking a specific site. The more backlinks a page receives, higher are the chances for it to rank. Not only backlinks, the number of unique referring domains is also essential.

Backlinks serve as endorsement for your content, assuring its authenticity. The reason lies on a fact that search engines can’t assess creative elements in a content. Instead, search engines prefer content that has more number of sites linking back to it. You can leverage techniques such as guest posting, broken link building, influencer sharing, and much more for quality link building.

Understand One’s Potential

Among the top reasons for not ranking on search engines include competing against big brands in industry. Instead of focusing on short tail keywords, you should identify long tail keywords with high search volume.

Generally, long tail keywords with high search volume face less competition. Instead of choosing keywords like “best TV channel”, you can focus on long tail keyword such as “A guide to the best TV Channels in the 2018”. In this way, you will be able to rank easily and achieve massive traffic, leads, and conversions.

On-Site Tweaks

If backlinking isn’t helping your content to achieve search engine’s spotlight, then there might be some factors that are preventing your site from being ranked on search engines.

You need to check technical and hierarchal structure of your site work on improving page load speed, making a site more responsive, disavowing links, removing duplicate content, and eliminating 301 redirects. You may also send an XML sitemap to search engines for rapid indexing of your site.

Content Optimization

Achieving high ranking on search engine is vital, but as a site owner, you should focus on delivering a superior user experience. You should include content that answers users’ queries and provokes them to take an action rather than promoting a product or service.

When creating content, focus on what a reader wants to read. Your site’s content should be informative, valuable, unique, and helpful to users. In this way, you will take an edge over the competitors.


Link building can often be frustrating and difficult to pull off. Many times, link building is considered spam by search engines. However, a well-planned campaign is the best way to promote a brand and bring in quality traffic and leads on a site. Marketing experts know how to promote a brand on the most effective platform, deriving massive traffic and conversions. Search engines prefer pages that receive a massive traffic.

You can choose mainstream channels for paid campaigns such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and more. Promoting content on the right channels can create buzz, shares, and a sound brand identity of your brand.

Final Words

Achieving top ranking on search engines is desirable for almost every business. It requires right strategies to make a site mark its place at top of search engine.

The modern-day inbound marketing practices such as social media marketing, paid campaigns, link building, on page and off page optimization have proven to help a site rank high on search engines. You can leverage the specified strategies to make your content achieve top rankings on search engines.

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