Quickly Making Selections in Photoshop
The old days used to be tough in Photoshop. To select fur or hair, you had to paint it in with a mask. Clipping paths were super-touch, and removing images from their background was considered a niche profession altogether. Yesterday, I showed you how to remove backgrounds from images in a written tutorial. In this tutorial video, I show you the old ways of doing things. Then, I show you the new, easy way to make amazingly refined selections of objects. You’ll learn how to remove a baby chick, fuzz and all by loosely making selections in Photoshop. making selections in Photoshop doesn’t have to be difficult, especially when using Refine Edge. I actually go more in depth about this subject, showing you how to make complex selections, and how to master complex selections.
The key seems to be the Refine Edge command in Photoshop. You can make a fairly loose selection, and then quickly refine that selection using refine edge. It almost does the work of making selections in Photoshop for you. You can select tough elements easily, such as fur, hair, and fine fibers that would normally be painstaking or impossible. These selections used to take hours, causing Photoshopppers to use masks and paint in selections using a drawing tablet. If you look at the example in the video, Refine Edge will export your selection to a new layer with a layer mask. This layer mask isn’t simply black and white. It has many grey areas, giving you a highly refined mask that would be tough to make on your own.
Did you have any trouble making selections in Photoshop? You can make simple selections and refine them to easily extract an object you need from its background in second. Use Smart Radius to do most of the work for you, and export it as a new layer with a layer mask. This is a non destructive way of making selections in Photoshop. Then, you can further refine the mask for perfect results every time. If you have any questions about this method, feel free to leave your concerns in the comments section below.