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Polishing Your Photos For Pinterest Prominence

by | Oct 19, 2012 | Articles, Inspiration, Photoshop, Tutorials | 0 comments

Polishing Your Photos For Pinterest Prominence


Pinterest has become a hub for sharing images, inspiration, cool products, and more. users organize photos into different categories, with links back to the sites where they were found. Pinterest is an ingenious idea and demonstrates complete ingenuity in web design and development. Companies have seen significant increases in profits when enabling users to pin the images from their online catalogs.

With all of this success, is there a way to ensure that your image has the best chance of being pinned and re-pinned by the masses? Is there a formula or guidelines that you can follow in order to give your images optimal chances of being liked and pinned? While there isn’t a 100% guarantee that your images and products will be successful on Pinterest, there are ways that you can increase your chances drastically.

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