Gaining traffic from a plethora of sources will increase your sales, drive up your diverse backlinks, and also give you a better perspective of which advertising methods work towards various visitor groups. Keeping a presence up on a multitude of social sites is crucial, which is why having a Stumbleupon account can definitely help give you an additional few thousand visitors each month! And c’mon, what blogger wouldn’t want that?
Stumbleupon Potential
While Stumbleupon is likely not going to be the primary driving source behind your traffic, it is a great way to get some extra boosts of clicks to your site. The great feature about Stumbleupon traffic is that it is usually highly targeted and very active. Users from Stumbleupon are very ‘share’ happy and generally have linked sharing accounts that they use.
To capitalize on this lovely little nest of potential, you have to understand the basics of SEO for Stumble’s. This will commence once you’ve mastered the Stumbleupon optimization basics.
What is a Stumble?
When you ‘stumble’ something it simply means that you essentially ‘like’ a page, like you would on Facebook. It adds it to your profile collection of ‘stumbles’ which are then shared with followers.
How to submit a Stumble?
When you add something to your Stumbleupon page, you have the opportunity to add some tags to it and put it in the right category. Not only should your post or page have an SEO optimized title (which plays a vital role in it being found on SU), but your categorization of it will play a huge part in it being stumbled by others! Choose the most accurate category, a keyword rich title, and some great tags!
Getting Followers
While you could simply stumble your own posts on Stumbleupon, it is not recommended because you are going to miss out on the massive potential of the site. Getting followers is essential, but takes some work. Not only will you have to write posts that are high quality enough for people to actually stumble, but you will have to be active and patient.
Stumble posts and follow people you truly like. Spamming likes on Stumbleupon can result in an account suspension which is never good. Work diligently and you will gain followers over time!
Getting your Post Stumbled
As mentioned earlier, it is essential to write a post worth stumbling. From there, you can then individually submit that post to your friends on Stumbleupon with a message. While this may be a time consuming and laborious task, it generally yields the best results. If you don’t spam your friends, and choose a high quality post to submit to them, they can not only review it but also stumble the post for you which can easily generate hundreds of visitors just by that action.
In Closing: Quick Stumbleupon Tips to Start
When beginning your Stumbling crusade, be active and interact with other users. This will drastically increase your pages that are stumbled in return, resulting in massive growth. When Stumbling, one major way to grab an awesome backlink for your new TLD involves making your stumble category selections relevant to your niche. Also, Install the Stumbleupon Toolbar for quick sharing without having to leave the page; this helps you capitalize on time. Finally, only work with people who stumble similar topics to avoid opposite link attraction. Although rarely talked about, stumbles do wonders for your link profile – use them wisely.
Roger Kowalewski is a freelance writer for Technorati and Social Media Today. You can follow him on Google+.