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Top 9 Ways to Make Your Blog Popular

by | Jul 12, 2013 | Articles, Blogging, Freelancing | 0 comments

Top 9 Ways to Make Your Blog Popular

Every blogger dreams to make his blog popular. It is not so easy but if you are ready, hard working and are willing to learn and adapt, you will be successful at it. I will give several killer ways you can make your blog popular – the following methods actually work!

top 9 ways to make your blog popular

  1. Customize Your Blog Design

Everybody is attracted to something that is unique and interesting, that’s why design of every blog should be unique. The design gives visitors the first impression and this determines the amount of time they spend browsing your blog.

  1. Add Your Blog to Blog Communities

You can submit your blog for to communities but for best results you should stick with the ones which are popular and have a decent Google PR (pagerank).

  1. Write Tutorials and Pillar Articles

And really, if you write an article about what happens now, the content is meant only for today and soon it gets old. But if your write a Pillar Article or a tutorial that solves a problem, it stays there forever.

  1. Be a Guest Author on Popular Blogs

Nowadays guest posts are accepted by most popular blogs, which give new bloggers a chance to get noticed through guest blogging. You shouldn’t miss such great opportunity. You can’t write anything you like but such way you can receive huge amount of traffic.

  1. Give Something to Download for Free

It’s easy to understand that people love free things especially when they are premium and valuable. Give free stuff to the public and it will help you to make your blog popular. And it doesn’t matter what it is – it can be almost anything: an eBook, a wordpress theme, some popular tools or even free online class.

  1. Blog Frequently

If you want that your blog will be success, don’t forget about fresh content. Do not just blog once a week if you want that people check in every day. People are interested in new information and they expect to see something valuable on your blog frequently.

There are many search engines which can find out how often you blog and they love fresh content. So to post to your blog more often makes it better.

  1. Link Love

To trade links with other bloggers in the same niche is one of the best ways to get your blog noticed. You can approach a blogger and request for a link love, or email them (make sure you don’t spam), or comment on their blog post and request, or add them on your facebook and discuss about it.

  1. Create a Facebook Page and Promote it

Facebook pages are rising in popularity. You can check your account right now and count me how many invitations you got to join a page. Yes, Facebook is rising in popularity. So you can create a facebook page for your blog for sharing it with other millions of facebook users. If you want that people can check out your posts without even visiting your blog, you can also set up your blog’s RSS Feed on the Page itself. There are a lot of options in the new facebook timeline. You can find lots of amazing facebook apps and use them to integrate your blog with facebook which makes sharing easy breezy.

  1. Get a Twitter Account and Tweet your Posts

You can agree that most bloggers have a twitter account nowadays. And not only bloggers, a lot of people use it today to broadcast what they eat, when they sleep etc. And if you want to make it a little more productive, you can tweeting your blog posts to your followers instead. Retweets can help you not only in driving traffic but also in search engine optimization.

About the author:Hello there! My name is Larry Heart and I’m representing – free eBooks website. Feel free to ask any questions at G+ or in comments section!
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