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UX Design Principles to Create Flawless Mobile User Experience

by | May 8, 2018 | Articles, Design | 0 comments

Modern technology and the use of mobile phones have changed how people interact with the organizations they do business with. No doubt most smart devices incorporate the same binary language of 0s and 1s. However, how we use these devices, where, when, and what, is how our relationship with each device varies. Designing a website for best mobile UX is an entirely different approach than serving your desktop users. Employing UX design principles to create flawless mobile user experience demands a slightly different skillset, but certainly an entirely different guidebook.

As more than 60% of people use mobile phones to interact with businesses online, providing enjoyable and attractive mobile experience is considered as more than just rich aesthetics. To convert your visitors into customers, you must overcome the simple UX principles of interface design.

  1. Simplicity: How quickly novice users are able to perform certain tasks
  2. Efficiency: How efficiently users become comfortable with your site and reach your web pages in moments?
  3. Contentment: How excellent was a user’s experience with your mobile website design?
  4. Error-Free: how often users faced any error and if they were able to correct them using the mobile website design? This part is directed towards forms filling and signing up on the website through mobile.

Let’s get to the main purpose of this post where we have compiled the best UX design principles to create the flawless mobile user experience.

Targeted Touchscreen Size

touchscreen size

Your audience may interact with your website with touchscreens using their fingers, thumb, and even toes – that’s none of your concern. Make sure to design your mobile website in such a way that all elements are noticeable and easy to read – users must not zoom in the page to see what is written on the web page. The challenging part is to make them avail using small mobile screens.

70% of people use their thumb to interact with the mobile. Therefore, extra small action buttons are not the only hindrance in a successful business, but can also frustrate your potential visitors. Not only the size of your website elements is important, but the spacing between relevant options also plays a key role in keeping the visitors engaged yet satisfied. Put appropriate spacing between each element, option, widget, and more to offer the best user control.

Authentic yet easy-to-read Text Content

easy to read text content

Content is King! But if the users aren’t able to read the mobile website content, there’s no point to expect enormous user engagement through SEO and website text content. Presenting clear and attractive website in a readable and simple form easily reflects your business. Keeping the pace between space conversion and legibility is the foundation of effective mobile typography. In simple words, it becomes difficult for the audience to read anything smaller than 11 points on any mobile screen. On the other hand, employing extra large typographical elements on the mobile website design further ruins the mobile user experience. Note that

  • Optimal mobile website design demands attractive interaction cost because of the small mobile screen.
  • It is necessary to embed all necessary information in the smaller screens.
  • Make sure to stay in the range of 25-45 characters per line for best mobile user experience.


This UX design principle is highly related to blogging, a blog must be able to communicate and reflect the company’s vision efficiently; irrespective of the device, type, screen size, and OS. And people new to blogging should definitely give it a shot for effective content management on mobile devices.

Focus on Targeted Audience

targeted audience

To understand your target audience, it is recommended to examine your mobile website design as per your users’ vision. Find various answers to the question, “Why wouldn’t I explore this website?” This step can help people to improvise regularly and approach their potential users’ needs. To do so,

  • Make sure to examine your targeted audience needs.
  • Determine how you can make them feel alive on your mobile website.
  • Consider their behavior, preferences, and motivations to gain higher success.

Effective Physical Constraints

Mobiles phones are available in a lot of sizes, variations, types, and shapes. Therefore, it is essential to optimize your mobile website for different operating systems as well as screen sizes. For instance, you need to come up with unique design types for Android and iOS users according to the device’s functionality, interface, and navigation.

For example, most Android devices incorporate multiple buttons while iPhone features one or no button at all. Keep your website functions and approaches in mind when planning and designing. Moreover, your mobile website must be responsive to all mobile screens. Optimize your website to embed itself in different screen options without lowering the quality, speed, and content optimization. For better mobile website optimization on different mobile variations, screen sizes, and OS, it is recommended to use a credible yet fast website hosting. Those websites that experience a lot of downtime on various device types often lose more than 50% of their users. Make sure to conduct a thorough research and analysis to review website boulders and select the best choice for you.

Be Minimalistic

The minimalistic UX design principle has given a new image to website design and it is currently being used all around the world. In simple words, the minimalistic website design highly approaches the saying “Less is more.” It was never expected that something this simple and practical could reflect a business’s vision.

When designing or planning your mobile website design, being minimalistic lets you exclude the overly-decorated websites or apps on the smaller screen. It promotes ease of use, navigation, and functionality of the website.

Use Attractive Colors

attractive colors

Colors, they play an effective role in promoting your message even through smaller screens. They not only decorate a website well enough, but the correct use of color pellets can increase the readability on your mobile website. Certain colors can stimulate the taste buds and tease a person’s appetite – ensuring excellent conversion rate.

Overall Thoughts

These were some of the best UX design principles to provide efficient mobile user experience. Make sure to focus on your audience’s vision and achieve the user engagement goals by reducing page loads, minimizing functions’ steps, and decreasing friction to create a flawless mobile user experience. Sounds good? In case of further questions or suggestions, feel free to ask or leave a reply below.


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