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Video Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business

by | Aug 5, 2021 | Articles, Marketing, Video | 0 comments

Video content and marketing are leading the way for brand awareness. It’s important for modern businesses to understand how to not only create video content but strategize how it reaches potential customers. To better understand how businesses are thinking about video marketing, let’s take a look at some advice from up-and-coming CEO’s having success in this new media landscape.

Using Video Platforms 

Modern-day video marketing was introduced through the rise of YouTube. This platform became a great tool for creatives to market their products or opinions with engaging and stimulating content. Video sharing platforms require skills; brands have to create content that will resonate with their consumers. Tiktok has been a great addition to this new video marketing popularity because their videos are much shorter, but still of the highest quality.

Connect With Your Customers 

Video Marketing provides an opportunity to involve consumers in the conversation. Through Customer Testimonial Videos, brands can use personal experiences to strengthen the image of their product. Brands should be aware of how powerful a customer’s personal experience can be, especially in a time where so much of the information we receive is filtered and biased. It’s important to build trust with your clients and customer testimonials are an essential part of building that trust. 

Demonstration Videos 

For companies dealing with technology, many are utilizing product demonstration content to engage consumers with how their products function. More than simply instructional, product demonstration videos build a sense of support within your company so that consumers feel confident about who they’re buying from.

A Breath of Fresh Air

When you incorporate video content on your website it is a breath of fresh air for these consumers. They have been reading website after website and finally have the opportunity to have someone explain their product and its benefits. Engaged consumers turn into qualified leads. Target keywords and hashtags to your audience and similar audiences.

Don’t Be Afraid of Small Budgets

Video content can get expensive, but it can also be done largely for free. With the right eye, organization and charisma, your video content can do wonders for your consumer reach when shared on social platforms. Make no mistake that high production value is great, and it can be achieved using many of our daily tech. 

  • Lindsay McCormick, Founder and CEO Bite

Give Customers a Look at Your Company 

Commercial culture has changed drastically over the years. Most startup companies can’t afford traditional commercial spots. Youtube and Vimeo are great platforms to upload and share video content. These can be great places to host informative videos about your company to give consumers an idea of who you are and why you do what you do. Whatever your niche may be. 

Explore Every Channel

In this new age of marketing, there are an absorbent amount of online platforms that work as marketing channels. Utilizing every one of these channels consistently is the key to marketing success. TikTok provides users with a whole new platform of consistent, quick, and engaging content. What does this mean from a marketing perspective? Begin incorporating different types of video content on social media stories, main feed posts, and on your website to break up the traditional, written content.

  • Chris Vaugh, CEO and Founder Saucey

Can It Be Shown Instead of Said? 

If a picture can say a thousand words, then short videos featuring your products and consumers using them can make or break your company’s website. Two paragraphs of text could easily be turned into a 10-second video clip and ultimately this is going to be more engaging for your customers. 

  • Jeff Meeks, VP of Sales and Marketing EnergyFit

A New Landscape

With the rise in social media marketing during the global pandemic, businesses are realizing that there is no need to switch back to traditional marketing. There are obvious tools and software that can be used to enhance your social media presence, however, you can prosper entirely for free.

Keep it Simple

Video content doesn’t have to be long or complicated, it can be extremely simple. Clear representation is essential for expanding your business and building communities in today’s world. 

  • James Vile, Chief Product Officer GunSkins

Highlight Your Successes

Use video promotion to highlight the successes of your business. If people can see the most exciting parts of your business, they’ll be more likely to use and explore your services. 

Create a Personal Touch

Video content is a great way to create a high-quality advertisement with your own unique company flare. Being able to express your company values in a video creates a personal touch to your brand. Being relatable and reliable is an important factor in the consumer buying process. Not only incorporating video marketing on social media, but also adding in some video content on your website is a great way to quickly educate your potential consumers and hopefully transition them into leads.

Create a More Engaging Website

A company’s website can really make or break them and video content is a great way to enhance the consumer experience on your page. Companies don’t need to feel tied to narrative video content. Animation and video clips are great creative ways to accent information on your website. 

  • Marc Atiyah, CEO Pawp

Post on Blogs

Whatever your video content is, it isn’t going anywhere if you’re not posting it. Instagram and Tiktok are the obvious players, but too few brands are exploring blog posts. These are great platforms to fortify your brand. The more places your content exists, the more it will come up in consumer searches. 

Behind the Scenes 

Consumers want to see not only that your brand has fun doing what you do, but that your customers have fun enjoying your products. This is the secret to some of the brands we’ve seen go viral on social media in the last few years. In the midst of the pandemic, consumers are eager for social engagement and we’re seeing a lot of brands represent that in their videos.

Use Tiktok AND Instagram

With the emerging TikTok market, many brands are noticing that Instagram is still holding true as a reliable business practice. Most of the time one social media platform will push out the rest of the competition due to its increase in popularity. TikTok and Instagram are being used simultaneously to help promote businesses because they target audience algorithms much differently. Instagram is a great resource for steady, solidified brand content where TIkTok is more of a fast-paced, design-focused platform. 

Show Your Work Culture 

Something that brands should be thinking about: do your customers know who works for you? Representing employees through your video content can build a great sense of community. If your consumers can see that your employees are fairly treated they are that much more likely to support your brand over another. 

Less is More

For companies that want quickly shareable information, the 15-30 second video is easy to produce and easy to share on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Longer content just doesn’t hold up on today’s platforms. 

  • Chris Riley, CEO and Founder USA Rx

Pairing Video and Text 

We live in a digital world, so utilizing the tech that is available to us to concrete our marketing strategies can lead to great success — especially when it comes to incorporating video into your campaigns. One innovative way to do so is to take the learnings from a blog post, and then create a 2-minute video explaining these actionable tips or educational steps in a quick and simple format. These videos can be paired with the original blog post, or they can be shared on your social media platforms. After all, if a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a video worth?

  • Ryan Rottman, CEO and Founder OSDB

Keep them Engaged

There’s no mistaking that watching a video is far more entertaining than reading an article or an email. Including video content in your sales and marketing strategies is a great way to increase engagement with consumers. Showing your audience a step-by-step video of what your company is all about and how your company can benefit them is an easy way to transfer potential customers into qualified customers. 

Use Videos As Informational Pieces

Video content can be a great way to explain your business model to potential business partners. Video pieces aren’t always made for customers, it can be a great way to have pitches ready to go in the event that you meet someone worth presenting to.

  • Steve Martocci, Co-Founder and CEO Splice
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