Web Design, Graphic Design, & Typography Weekly
There’s always great content from around the web. This week was no different in the fact that there is something for everyone. Whether you are into web development, typography, web design, web development, graphic design, mobile or anything else related to these topics, you can find tons of great resources on the web.
This week there are a lot of great tutorials and articles about web development. You will find a few handy resources covering WordPress. You’ll read about theming, and you’ll see some of the best themes available. There is also a collection of responsive mobile WordPress themes. These are great for creating engaging mobile websites for any business. Get inspired with some great examples of killer online portfolios. You’ll also be inspired with great examples of navigation design. There are recommendations for quality web development tools. You should check those out because you might find something that you want to add to your toolbox. I am always looking for things to make my job easier.
There is an important discussion about SEO and what it actually means. This will help you to understand SEO better, and it is coming straight from the mouth of industry professionals. You’ll read about networking and how to improve your chances for finding work. Below is a collection of some of the newest stuff from around the web for designers.
A Look Into: Essential Firefox Tools For Web Developers
Express yourself: 25+ amazing portfolio sites
What The Heck Is SEO? A Rebuttal
Networking For Designers 101: How To Network Properly
Designing A Winning Navigation Menu: Ideas and Inspirations
15+ highly responsive mobile WordPress themes
Best jQuery Plugins of 2012
Boost Your Mobile E-Commerce Sales With Mobile Design Patterns
CSS Baseline: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
21 Inspiring Examples of Texture Use in Web Design
How To Reveal Hidden Passwords (Asterisks) In Web Browsers
Turning Any Theme into a WordPress Theme: It’s Not as Hard as Many People Think!
This week was crammed with tons of great content for web professionals. I especially liked the roundup of jQuery plugins. If you are looking for resources to make your job easier, there are some great resources this week.
What was your favorite resource this week? Did you find something not listed here that helped you? Share it in the comments section below.