Do you think Your Website Images Need an Update?
Ideas, Images, Infographics, Style and Design are rapidly changing, and you are trying to keep up with a market segment that is pouring more resources and time and digital energy into their website every day.
So how does your website keep up let alone compete? Why do consumers choose your business over theirs?
With incredible, creative, relevant images. And its not as hard as you might think!
As a small business where can you effectively put your limited resources into the get the best bang for the buck or for your larger entities your ROI?
Great images can help you drive sales, grow your business and build your online community.
For the uninitiated photography newbie, there are a few little tweaks that can help you retain your clients and start to get longer stays and better more qualified conversions for your business.
What are the best images to use for your business and how do you get them?
THE best images that you can use for your business are images of – you guessed it – YOUR business! People want an experience. They are BEGGING for it! What better way is there to sell yourself and business than showing them what you do, and how, and why? From a spa style dentist office to boutique restaurant to florist, show what you do best. Have a professional photographer come and bring LIGHT to what your business is about. A second option is to use stock images (,, They are great. They can supplement your personalized images, but don’t make the mistake of using the same image that the dentist office down the street is using of the girl with the pearly whites…these types of images are overused, impersonal and not representational of your business.
How can you use photographic images to create some buzz?
Its a great reason to announce on all your media platforms that you have relaunched your website. Its free PR! And YOU will be top of mind next time they need a wax, a haircut (before and after for beauty services), financial service, or their car fixed. It’s also a great way to announce that you are committed to improving your business, offer new services, and a reason for them to come back and check you out again. A few more things to consider using images with: newsletters, mailing list, direct mailings, and emails are all great ways to use images to enhance all your fulfillment procedures.
Where to use images to get the best ROI and conversion rate?
Front page of your website and landing pages would be the key ingredients here. When you figure out where people are landing and where you want them to go…you leave them a trail of breadcrumbs (images) to lead them around…
Environmental images and services will have the greatest impact on retaining hits. Great images will bring people to your website from social media, online listings, associations etc. When people are doing their snooping and investigating, their eye will be drawn to the pretty picture, and light spaces first, so plan your media images to draw the eye.
It has to be said. Responsive websites and devices are what you need to be working towards. There is no point in having a great image on a poorly designed mobile device that wont scale properly. Goodbye customer – immediately, and never to return. Experience is everything on mobile devices and 45% of us use them for surfing these days and this is growing rapidly. So there is no point in building a site that sits statically on a mobile device.
Use Infographics! has a great list of Infographics. Lets make statics EXCITING! When you need to use numbers in your business presentation, Infographics are a great way to go.
(The Tall Infographics design from Randall Munroe at xkcd literally made me laugh out loud. As he mentions in the text: “‘Big Data’ doesn’t just mean increasing the font size.)
Images that kill your experience and send them running
There are lots of great examples of things that don’t work well, and here is the far end of the spectrum that need no explaining: cigarette packages, surgical procedures, awkward family shots…well I think you get the ‘picture’. When it comes to medical services, people are nervous enough, so less is more. Think END product.
Some other things that don’t work well would be irrelevant imagery. People want to see pictures of your business. Not a picture of the outside of your building that’s located in an industrial park, or a stock image of a pretty smiling face with a head microphone. It feels fake, and I’m sure your not in the business of selling what you are not.
Consider that your images need to work well with your website as well. That means color tone and crop work for your banners, pages are places relevantly and they are consistent within your messaging in site.
There are multitudes of things to consider when choosing how to design your business images. But know that a consistent, well designed message and images help you meet the coherent message that you want your viewers to see and conversions will go from a trickly to a pour.
See you online!
Erin Pimm is a photographer, blogger and lover of SEO, social media and maximizing your online presence and helping you to leverage your personal brand through images. She loves her family, Burning Man and getting techno geekie all over ya!
Erin Pimm