If you read “Why I Should Have Switched to Bluehost Years Ago” then you know that I switched hosting companies recently. I was fed up with my site being down every time I turned around. They knew that I was also tired of terrible support and incompetent people answering the phone. I made the switch to Bluehost because I had heard excellent things about them. I made my switch a public matter, simply because I feel that Godaddy should be ashamed of their services and their equipment. With this being said, a lot of people have been asking me about how my experience with them is going so far.
Bluehost Doesn’t Lie: 100% Uptime!!
I need to clarify this. My site did go down for a short time, but it was not because of Bluehost. I decided to implement CloudFlare, which is a CDN (Content Delivery Network) that normally costs money, but Bluehost offers it for free to all of their hosting customers. The reason that it went down wasn’t Bluehost’s fault, it was mine and my blog’s fault. The reason I say that is because Creative Beacon is a few years old, and I learned as I went along, so I had a lot of junk in my database. When I enabled CloudFlare, a few things needed to be adjusted(that I wasn’t aware of).
As far as uptime is concerned, I have a monitoring service to tell me when my site goes down. With Godaddy, I used to get an email every other day. do you know how many emails I have received about my site being down with Bluehost? Guess…that’s right, zero!
So I needed to call Bluehost’s technical support
How did my experience go with tech support? Excellent! I called them and they resolved my database issues in a matter of about 15 minutes. Then, the servers needed to fully update. WHen they did, my site was up and running again and was much faster than before.
So I moved my portfolio website over to Bluehost
I followed the same steps that I used to transfer Creative Beacon over to transfer my portfolio site. I followed all of the same steps, but when I was finished, I had a database error. Guess what? Again, this was my own fault. I wanted my portfolio site up again ASAP because I get a good amount of local business from my site.
Bluehost’s tech support call #2
So I called Bluehost again, not sure how to fix the issue. Tech support was extremely helpful! They went in and fixed the issue in a matter of minutes. It was a tables issue, and they saved me an hour or two of having to go into PHPmyadmin and fix it myself. It turns out that this wasn’t the only issue. My theme was structured unconventionally, with an images folder in the root of the WordPress install instead of the actual theme. Once they fixed the tables issue and I uploaded the folder of missing images, my site was back up and running like before, but better and faster.
Are you tired of terrible webhosting?
I know I was. I don’t know what I was thinking by having my hosting with Godaddy. I get so much more for my money. I pay a low price, I can host so many more sites. My sites don’t go down, and I get awesome extras such as CloudFlare. Who doesn’t want quality hosting? Who doesn’t want the most for their money? Why wouldn’t someone sign up with Bluehost. I know I am glad that I did!