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How You Can Increase the SEO Efficiency of Your WordPress Website

by | Jul 9, 2018 | Articles, Seo, Wordpress | 0 comments

Increasing the SEO Efficiency of WordPress

In this article, you will be learning about the best and the most efficient search engine optimization methods for WordPress. WordPress is the most popular program for seo efficiency and traffic generation that you can ever use. However, many business owners who are not that well aware of technology do not use WordPress. They feel that it is a complicated platform to use, but it is not. WordPress is very easy for people to learn and you can easily have a blog on WordPress set up and run in a within minutes.

Gain an understanding

Although search engines prefer blogs on WordPress, you are still required to understand and grasp some critical points regarding search engine optimization. This will ensure that your posts are easily found over the internet from search results. You will not have to be an expert on SEO efficiency to implement these strategies on your blog either. You just need some basic knowledge and the desire to apply the things that you learn to ensure that you get results.

Here are some Simple techniques to improve your WordPress SEO:

1 – Permalinks

seo efficiency: permalinks

Whenever you are creating a new blog or page or post, WordPress will create a generic URL. This will consist of mainly a question mark which will be followed by some numbers. When you use these links, it will get hard for search engine spiders to locate them. As a result, your website will not be listed in the higher results of the search engine.

In order to avoid this, and you will need a permalink code. The code needs to be put in the permalinks custom section in your WordPress admin. You have to just go to the “settings” section and then the “permalinks” section. Then, select “custom” and this unique code in that field: /%postname%/ and then click on save. Instead of having a bad, boring URL, you can have your URL with any keyword that you would want to assign to it when you create your post.

2 – Titles

When you create your blog posts, you must make sure that you are putting the keyword which you would be using for your post in your title. Search engines spiders read from left to right, so it is important that you put your keyword first and then add the title to your blog post.

For instance, if the keyword for your post is “best content ideas,” then you need to put your title as “Best Content Ideas: Top Topics to Write On.” You must always begin the title of your post with the keyword, or as close to the beginning as possible. Try to put a catchy and snazzy title which will try and catch the attention of readers, and they will be enticed to click your post.

3 – Body

When you are writing the content for your posts on your blog, you must be sure to start the first sentence in the first paragraph with your main keyword. Then when you continue writing, you must incorporate the keyword not more than three times throughout your article. You must not put the keywords multiple times as it will make your post look like spam and search engines are averse to spam.

4 – Tags

use tags for seo efficiency

In WordPress, there is a section over on the right side of the post sections that is called TAGS. That is where you will be putting the keywords in your post. You must put around 2 or at the most three keywords which are relevant. Putting up more keywords will end up confusing the spiders, and it will not index your content properly. The first keyword which needs to be tagged is the one which you use in your title.

For instance, if the keyword is “Best Search Engine Optimization Tips,” then that has to be also the first keyword in your TAG section. The other two keywords which you can use would be something like “Best SEO Tips” and maybe “Simple SEO WordPress Techniques.” You have to ensure that these are all relevant to your post.

5 – Ping the services

Use ping services over the internet as they will allow you to send signals to various search engine platforms. This lets them about the new content which you have posted over on your website. When you have alerted them, the search engine spiders will come to your site and crawl your content and then index it

Hopefully, the information mentioned in this article will help you to optimize your WordPress page successfully. SEO will get your site more traffic.

Author bio: Derek Iwasiuk is a reputed digital marketing expert who writes on various blogs and websites about online marketing techniques. He recommends you to reduce server response time WordPress.

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