Why Most Websites Fail
There are thousands of articles on what makes a website bad. The most basic of these present detailed explanations of common sense, such as poor navigation; the most in depth talk about complicated conceptions of overall design philosophy. While some websites are debilitated by these aspects, I have another hypothesis behind why other websites struggle and fall. My approach is different and surprisingly simple: the problem with most websites comes from the fact that most businesses on the individual elements that make up a website, instead of the overall experience and even the website’s actual purpose. The idea that “if you build it, they will come” just isn’t true in web design. Just because it is designed well, that doesn’t mean it will be successful. You have to market it. You also have to put some money into it. Don’t get me wrong, there are ways to generate free traffic, but it can be tedious, and it can take months before you see the results that you want. It’s not even as simple as generating traffic. Just because people are coming to your site, that doesn’t mean that you’ll make money from them. They may not buy anything at all. You have to consider marketing,reaching your target market, and actually engaging visitors in a way that will cause them to take action. Even then, you have to have a strategy in place for getting people to take the action that you have intended.
Don’t Give Up Just because Your Site isn’t Doing Well Now
So much goes into building a following for any website, that your strategy may evolve and adapt over time. You should always be tracking your goals, and making sure that you stay on track. Sticking to your guns is a good practice in theory, but you can’ t do that forever if you want your site to thrive.
Lack of Evolution is Why Most Websites Fail
Your site may not end up being successful in its initial run. That is okay, and it tends to happen. That doesn’t mean that you have to scrap it and give up. It just means that you need to figure out what you need to change in order to make it work. Are people unhappy with how the interface is laid out? Maybe it’s the checkout area. Are people leaving before completing the checkout process? That may be a huge red flag. If you aren’t willing to change your site and make it adapt how it needs to, you’ll be another victim of Why Most Websites Fail in the long run. You should always be analyzing your site and monitoring its performance. Making improvements and tweaks is how you can improve sales and increase revenue. Once you get a good system going, it is helpful to test the results. If you need more answers or feedback, you can always post surveys, and offer an incentive for taking the time to answer your questions, such as a coupon to save 10% off their next purchase. This is an excellent strategy, because it means you’ll get them to come back to your site again, to spend more money, while enticing them to provide you with quality feedback, all at the same time. This is a win-win situation for everyone.