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Seven Key SEO Trends From 2019

by | Nov 6, 2019 | Seo | 0 comments

key seo trends 2019

Seven Key SEO Trends From 2019

As it has for a long time, SEO is one of the most powerful tools to utilize when spreading awareness and engagement for a brand with an online presence. It is one thing to watch and follow existing algorithms and the actions of competitors. It’s another thing to be innovative and watch trends that have been proven successful to use the technology and ideas behind them in your own way. Doing your own research puts your brand at the forefront as a leading business. Your competitors will be looking at you to make their best moves, putting you in a great position. Read on to learn the best SEO trends from this year so far.

  1. Brand collaboration for mutual promotion

Brand mentions allow Google to assess which brands to associate with each other, increasing your advertising potential to consumers when another competitor is in the spotlight. Local businesses can use this to their advantage well, as it increases how well your brand authority is known, correlating it with other brands that your target audience may already be familiar with. Backlinks that are high in quality don’t need to be numerous. “Do not get tempted into purchasing links – this will work against you when Google’s algorithms take stage,” says Eileen Newton, graphic designer from Writinity and Research Papers UK.

  1. Using the best minimized content to promote the whole brand

SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) are highly competitive. Product pages that get the most traffic incorporate a range of media. This could mean using pictures alongside a small amount of text – a few carefully selected words or sentences could suffice. A featured snippet is when Google puts a larger chunk of text and an image at the top of SERPs.

“Online searchers find it easy to get the answers they’re looking for since Google finds answers online that they feel provide suitable information. This means that what content shows at the top of SERPs is up to Google and out of your control. Focus on your content – make it relevant and succinct, so regardless of where you are on a SERP, you are attractive to potential searchers,” says Clint Williams, technology writer from Draft Beyond and Last Minute Writing.

  1. Structuring and layout is more important than ever

This unprecedented change has been brought about with things such as the birth of SERPs. Google is forming its own technology to form detailed and meaningful snippets out of structured data. This is why it is so important to make these very attractive and catchy. These can increase traffic by up to a third and should incorporate useful information such as your best product, opening hours and so on.

  1. There has been a higher level of image searching

Since Google redeveloped and updated its image search platform in 2017, lots of websites have had to adapt to the way users can simply use Google to receive whatever images they want. Google has responded to this trend well, though to also jump into the technological evolution, optimize your media that uses visuals. Use more and better images than rival brands that consider holism. Video and text material should accompany and compliment images. In fact, all the content on your site should be in alignment.

  1. Google’s “Mobile First Index”

This has been put into action since the summer of 2018. Its development was in reaction to mobile optimization that was a significant ranking factor in 2016. Following that, Google improved its mobile version and developed a way to speed up advertising on mobile devices. As mobile use in internet searching has steadily been increasing over many years, this is a clear example of how Google is pioneering the way of jumping onto trends. What you can and definitely should take from this is that you should invest in website optimization for mobile devices. Before 2019 ends, ensure your website runs smoothly on all devices.

  1. Voice search has become a more important factor

Smart home devices and digital assistants have been in much higher use in 2019. That has followed a general increase in voice searching since the user increase in both mobile devices and speakers. As such, 2019 has seen a large rise in using voice search to get wanted answers. Be attentive to making your content succinct and relevant enough to answer customer questions quickly and without hassle.

  1. AMP gives your website higher speed

AMP doesn’t stand for Always Maintain Perfection, it stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages, which in a more philosophical sense could be synonymous when done right. This allows Google itself to show you how to optimize your brand’s mobile site to maximize its speed and efficiency. This includes reducing media usage and focusing on text content. AMPs are an important factor in SERPs, and will likely see more discussion as the year progresses.

Kenneth Campbell is a writer and a business coach at Gum Essays and Lucky Assignments. He is fond of writing about many different sides of entrepreneurship, especially management and marketing. Kenneth is always on the lookout for rapid changes of modern market and he always helps his clients make their brands successful. In his spare time he writes about business and content promotion on the Internet.

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