275 Free World Flag Vectors
This week’s free vector file is so awesome I can’t believe it’s real! Vishal Pandya has created 275 free world flag vectors. This free vector file shows a lot of work. The time, effort, and craftsmanship can be seen in this file. Not only are there 275 flags, but there is one for each country of the world. To make it easy to find the country that you’re looking for, you can find it easily because each flag is labeled. Each country is even listed in alphabetical order. This is an eps file, so drop it into Adobe Illustrator and get to work.
The license is important to note. This file is not available for commercial use. It is under Creative Commons, which is great, because you can alter any of these flags to suit your purposes. You can’t redistribute the file unless you make users aware of the license. Even if you can’t use each flag as-is, if you need an organized reference of all of the flags of the countries of the world, this file is extremely handy.
Another possibility is that you can contact the owner and creator of this file and possibly get permission to use these vectors in a commercial project. You never know, they might be nice and allow you to use it. They might also only ask for attribution for their hard work. You might also work it out where you can offer them a portion of the project revenue in return for using their work in a project. The important thing is to check first. Below, you can see all 275 flags of the countries of the world included in this file.
Wow, what a collection! These Free World Flag Vectors are organized, alphabetized, and really awesome. So, what do think? What will you use these 275 Free World Flag Vectors for? To download this file, click the green button below.