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5 Branding Tips For Freelancers

5 Branding Tips For Freelancers

Branding Tips For Freelancers Freelancing successfully can be quite a challenge. The best way of mastering it is by starting to look at you as a brand and find new ways of branding yourself. Marketing yourself this way is really efficient and can help you target the...
Why Brand Building Is The New SEO

Why Brand Building Is The New SEO

If you look at how SEO used to be, then it seemed to be the antonym of brand building. Brand building was about building quality pages and copy, but SEO was about making as many links as possible regardless of the copy’s quality. The two are now converging, and many...

Why Customer Service Matters

Why customer service matters A famous business adage says “The customer is always right”. What this quotation really means is that your customers are the life and blood of your business. Good customer service will help you in three main ways: • It will help you create...