WebLab: Free HTML5 Website Template
I decided to point out a resource each week to help those who are looking for great templates for their website projects. Html5 is no different, as it can be tricky for newer designers to learn. Having a quality free html5 website template can help you to see how the code works in a real life setting.
Today’s free html5 website template is called WebLab, and it was created by ChocoTemplates. They build quality website templates, and you should check out their site to see some of their products. Below is a screenshot of WebLab. WebLab Features a slider and has a basic 3 column layout. CLick the image below to view the demo, and click the download button below to be taken to their download page. Also, if you want freebies like this in your inbox once a week, sign up for my newsletter, and look forward to getting free stuff!