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10 SEO Link-building Techniques To Focus On To Increase Traffic

by | Dec 21, 2019 | Seo | 0 comments

SEO is a fast-moving marketing industry. The rapid technological growth has led to significant changes that have been beneficial for businesses all around. There were many SEO trends from 2019, and despite so many changes to deal with daily, the core principle of SEO remains the same, which is to increase traffic and direct hits on your webpage by showing it as a top result on Google.

So here are 10 SEO link building techniques that work with the core principle of SEO and help improve traffic for your website.

1. Ask for backlinks from creators

A backlink is a link reference from another article on a different webpage, back to your own. So when you come across creators writing for a domain that matches our field of work, you can ask for backlinks. Backlinks are an essential feature that helps determine the importance of your webpage for Google.

A website cannot be ranked without them as backlinks are the primary ranking factor for search engines. Search engines like Google discover the site through backlinks and pass power. Links are the building blocks of WEB, and the power cannot be underestimated. Consider that if your webpage does not include backlinks, there is no chance Google will pick it up as an accessible website.

2. Build relationships with other websites

Good link building would ultimately lead to gain in traffic for your website. But how to get those useful backlinks started? The answer is simple. You need good relationships with other websites. Start small by building a community in blog forums and chat groups. Include yourself in the discussion that is happening by adding value through relevant comments and interesting context.

Active participation will get you the necessary attention as well as act as a news forum for your domain. You’ll be in contact with people that share your passion and keep you updated on the current affairs.

3. Give testimonials

It is the win-win scenario for both parties involved. You’ll find that many businesses offer you a chance to express your user experience with their products. It allows them to gain customer trust while giving you a legitimate opportunity for link building.

Product websites are already highly rated for the same reason, and having your backlink would gain potential traffic to your webpage. Giving testimonials is a much more effective way than sending in just a client email asking for a backlink because it has a higher approval rate from the other party’s end.

4. Start a blog

Don’t start a blog because it is now a fundamental requirement of a complete package a webpage has to offer. Don’t waste your time creating a single blog post that provides a single backlink. Not only does it put your website at risk, but it is not useful at all.

Instead, start a regular blog and keep it going. Write daily posts that focus on industry demands and customer needs. Over time, you’ll see that your blogs will gain momentum. You need to ask yourself how to make your blog popular then. The content will speak for itself with authority, relevancy, and usefulness. A well-structured blogging forum is a great way to ensure backlinks that people want to earn, and you’ve earned them too.

5. List your site in trustworthy directories

Directories may sound old school yellow pages where they could find every number and address there was in the country. However, internet directories are different. They give you a chance of being mentioned alongside others in your industry under a relevant context. Niche and informative directories rank high among Google searches for possible companies that a customer can choose from. Therefore, having your business listed there makes it easier for it to be found, provides excellent exposure, and website indexing.

However, you would not want your business to be listed on directories that Google has excluded from its search results as such catalogs provide no real value and are considered stale by the search engine.

6. Write attractive articles on other websites

Many websites like to publish articles and blog posts for the same reason you want to: for link building. But before you head over to write a guest post, keep in mind that:

  • The hosting website should be about your field of work
  • The article should not be all praise about your product/service or company.
  • Focus on good quality content that is both interesting and professional.
  • A poorly written article would perform poorly and create a lousy reputation in the market.
  • Links from irrelevant sources can negatively impact the search rating.
  • Or you can just use Academist Help for great blogs that fulfill their purpose.

7. Discover and utilize competitors’ techniques

Researching one’s competitors is a crucial step. Your competitor has been in business for quite some time now. They know the dos and don’ts and are well up in their game to worry about you entering the market. So to turn this to your advantage is by learning these techniques that your competitor has perfected over time. All you have to do is analyze competitor’s content for common backlinks and try to get them as well. Because somewhere down the line your competitor also started from where you are starting now, if they can get those links then so can you!

8. Turn your mentions into backlinks

The easiest way to gain significant new backlinks is by turning your mentions into one. While somebody has already written about your service or product, ask them to link it back to your service site. Author-mentions under any guest articles can also be used to link back to your webpage.

9. Take help from social media

Social media has technologically advanced everything. It is now a great tool to influence SEO rankings as well. Businesses that are popular and have active pages on platforms like Facebook, a rate higher on Google searches as compared to those who don’t maintain a social media profile. What you can do to reap benefits off of this is:

  • Sync your social handles to link back to your website.
  • Use popular service like Australian Master for getting your name out.
  • Other than that, you can easily join different blogging communities on Facebook for increased exposure.
  • You can make an active business profile, update it regularly, and provide information on it linking back to the webpage.

10. Relevant live streaming

Lastly, what you do is to stay alert for any related live streams. YouTube live stream is a highly successful tool for link building. They are often hyped up about beforehand and engage audiences. Having your organization mentioned would largely influence the traffic towards your webpage.

Author Bio:

10 SEO Link-building Techniques To Focus On To Increase Traffic

Melissa Calvert currently works as a Tech-Business Analyst and Marketing Strategist at Crowd Writer, an excellent dissertation service. She also shares her interests in writing and suggests King Essay for coursework service. She has a network of people online who value her skills.

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