Landed Free Website Template
If you’re looking for a sleek, elegant one page website template, I found a great one you’ll want to add to your collection. Not only does it look great, but it works great, too. I love the Landed free website template by Html5up. It’s complete with subtle transitions and a great layout. It would be perfect for creating a site that is meant to be a presentation. Let’s take a look at the Landed free website template and its features.
When the site loads, you get a large panel where you can place a welcome message and a catchy image or graphic. This could be your portrait if it is a more personal site, or it could be your logo if you want a more professional look. When you click the arrow at the bottom of the screen, the site automatically transitions to the next block.
With large images, easy to read text and ghost buttons, your site will have a great look that is really popular right now. Elements fade in and slide as you transition down the page. This is essential for captivating your audience, while not hindering readability.
The Parallax effect is present as you scroll down the page. Images seem to be layered behind the graphics and images, which adds a lot of depth to the site.
This area is a great place to mention your services. There’s plenty of space for your services, where you can place graphics or icons to represent each one.
At the bottom of the site, there’s a great place for a call to action, complete with a section for collecting visitor’s email addresses. This is essential for getting leads and growing your business.
Download The Landed Free Website Template
You could use this as a landing page for your products or services. It’s great for making a visual impact with a unique style. You can view a live demo, or download via the links shown below.