Negotiating Your Web Development Contract In today’s world of global commerce, having a strong Web presence is a necessary component of successful marketing and operations. There are many aspects of planning a Web design project, but the cost factor is an aspect that...

Huge Collection of Free Vector Human Shapes From Vecteezy
Free Vector Human Shapes Everyone has been enjoying the free vector shapes from the past few weeks, so I decided to continue with more great collections of free vector shapes. The past couple of weeks I have found free vector files from some obscure sites, but this...
5 Things the Creative Person Can’t Do By Himself
You’re an artist, and that in its nature is a pretty personal experience. It is your perspective that shapes the content, and it is your vision that makes the work unique. Whether you are a graphic designer, videographer, or landscape artist, you do what you do...
Five Tips for Pricing Your Freelance Projects
Pricing Your Freelance Projects As a rookie freelancer, figuring out your price can be a difficult task. You don’t want to overcharge your services, sending potential clients away nor do you want to undercharge, leaving yourself with a paltry payday. Deciphering that...
My Response to the Adobe Creative Cloud
My Thoughts on the Negativity Surrounding the Adobe Creative Cloud I was online this morning, reading more ridiculous comments about why the Adobe Creative Cloud is so bad. Quite frankly, I am sick of hearing about this, and I had to get a few things off of my chest....

10 Principles for Personal and Professional Growth
10 Principles for Personal and Professional Growth Benjamin Franklin once said that “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning”. In order to attain success, you need to work on your personal and...

How to Acquire New Clients
How to Acquire New Clients One of the toughest things when owning your own business is getting a sustainable flow of clients. Steady business is what keeps the doors open. Money is tight, and your budget needs to stretch as far as possible. So what do you do? Do you...
Survive Tax Season By Keeping Good Records
Keeping Good Records Disclaimer: The following suggestions are based on personal experience. Please consult a tax professional for your own situation. Call me crazy, but I like to do my own taxes. It forces me to be more organized than I might be otherwise with my...

Have a Good Business Attitude
Having a Good Business Attitude Affects Your Business One thing to consider is the way that you carry yourself. If you are visiting a client at their place of business, it is common for the secretary, or receptionist to observe your actions. Someone is always watching...

Add 5 Things to Your Invoice to Strengthen Your Business
Your invoice says a lot about you and your business Your invoice is something that you should forward to sending. After all, it says that you have put a lot of work into a project, and now it is time to get paid for your efforts. Some designers may look at an invoice...
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