graphic design

The Future of Design and Advertising

I was asked a question yesterday that really got me thinking: What do you think the future will hold for design and advertising? What will be the next big platform to design for? I thought about this for a long time, and my guess is as good as yours. People are always...

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Is the design field seeing the end of its day?

I frequent a lot of design blogs, simply because I like to know what is on the mind of other designers, and also because I like to have my ear to the ground regarding our industry. One thing that I caught wind of was a discussion about designers and web designers and...

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Winner Announced: Free Design Book Giveaway

First off, I want to thank everyone that participated for their invaluable comments for this post. There are many aspects to branding and corporate identity, and I think each comment touched on a different aspect. Branding is a vital part of marketing and building a...

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Red Giant Software Announces Knoll Light Factory 2.7

For those of you that love good plugins, Knoll light factory is a very cool time saving addition to After Effects. The new edition works with CS5, and has a few new features as well. if you own an older version, you can upgrade for a reasonable price of $99, but if...

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Make your text fit an object in Illustrator

Make your text fit an object in Illustrator

I got this question yesterday, and thought that it would be a good topic for the day. If you want to fit text to a certain shape, you have a couple of options. The first option is to do what is called an envelope distort. First, you make your shape, and then take the...

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Create a Psychedelic image in Photoshop

Create a Psychedelic image in Photoshop

Create a Psychedelic image in Photoshop This is a neat trick that will give you some really interesting and extremely colorful results. To start off, create a new document. It can be any dimension that you want, and click ok. Mine is set at 1024 x 768. Then, create a...

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Create a 3D Rainbow in Photoshop

Create a 3D Rainbow With the addition of 3D in Photoshop, you can now create dazzling effects without using another program. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a 3D rainbow from scratch, all inside of Photoshop. First, I am starting out with a black...

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Quiktip: Key Commands For Type

When creating type in Photoshop, and you are looking for just the right display face, it helps to use the key commands to get things just how you want them. If you double click your text icon next to the layer, it will highlight your text. Then, simply go up to the...

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Is the New Mixer Brush in Photoshop Considered Cheating?

I was playing around with some of the new stuff inside of Photoshop CS5 and came across one of the new tools that they have included called the mixer brush. This is a great new tool that allows you to take a photo and use different settings to create a painting from...

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Photoshop Alone Doesn’t Make You a Graphic Designer

Photoshop Alone Doesn’t Make You a Graphic Designer

The other day, I was talking to some friends and colleagues and overheard someone in the background talking about Photoshop. They claimed that they were an incredible graphic designer, because they are incredible with Photoshop. After overhearing this, I asked for a...

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Places to go for Creative Inspiration #9

X-RITE With this site, you take a color test to see if you are as good with color as you think you are. This site goes off the notion that a large number of people have color deficiencies. RECAVE This is a cool blog about all types of interesting artworks, including...

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Quiktip: Have The Masks Panel

The masks panel is a big help, because you can easily edit and refine your masks via a handy panel. From the masks panel, you can define the density of your mask, which is very handy. Instead of having a black and white mask, the density setting lessens the affect, as...

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Create a Quick Photo Gallery Using Lightroom

I really like to create my own image galleries, but let's face it, in the real world, we can't always have things how we want them. Sometimes we need to get the job done in the best possible manner, as quickly and effectively as possible. When I need a quick image...

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Playing with Opacity and FX In Illustrator

Playing with Opacity and FX In Illustrator

Opacity has a lot of uses for different types of effects. We like to see certain things bleed through in some areas, while in others we want a shape or text to be a certain color. Recently, I was playing around with opacity in the appearance panel in Illustrator, and...

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Web Design: Layout and Tools

Web Design: Layout and Tools

When creating your web site, it is important to create a site that flows in a way that helps to get your message across to your viewer. You have to create something eye-catching, but well designed. Having a solid structure is key. To me CSS is the only way to go for a...

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