
10 Business WordPress Themes on Cherry Framework 4

Business WordPress theme is a must for every successful company.  A wide variety of templates on the market makes it hard to choose. You get lost in the loads of information about different features, frameworks and elements. Still if you are planning to start your...

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Bak One Website Template

Bak One Website Template Whether you're a solo designer or you have a creative team, you need a great website. No bones about it, your website is what will get you more business. People will come to your website in order to see your work and learn more about you....

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Minimaxing Free Responsive Html5 Template

Minimaxing Free Responsive Html5 Template The Minimaxing Free Responsive Html5 Template by Html5Up is the free template of the week. It's completely responsive and is a stellar base template for any website. It has a strong top menu bar and a wide layout. The content...

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Journey Responsive Html5 Template

Journey Responsive Html5 Template A great website is all about presentation. Creating a well structured site with subtle effects and a great user experience is key. The best effects applied to a website are the ones that you hardly notice. That is especially true with...

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HouseFraming Free Responsive HTML5 Template

HouseFraming Free Responsive HTML5 Template It's that time of the week again, and I can across another great responsive html5 template. It is the HouseFraming Free Responsive HTML5 Template by W3Layouts, and it looks great! The HouseFraming free responsive html5...

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Naturex Responsive HTML5 Template

Naturex Responsive HTML5 Template If you are a regular here at Creative Beacon, then you know that Wednesday is the day where I showcase the free responsive html5 website of the week. This week's free template is Naturex, by W3Layouts. The Naturex Responsive HTML5...

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Kata Klimt Free Responsive Html5 Template

Kata Klimt Free Responsive Html5 Template Believe me, if you've ever went looking on the web for quality responsive html5 templates, you'll find that a lot of them are junk. Sometimes you'll find one that looks pretty good, but then you find out they only designed the...

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Kubrat Free Html5 Responsive Template

Kubrat Free Html5 Responsive Template When someone makes the extra effort to make something super awesome, and then on top of that, they provide it for free, I can't help but to share it. This week's free template is the Kubrat Free Html5 Responsive Template, created...

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20 Amazing Responsive Flat WordPress Themes

20 Amazing Responsive Flat WordPress Themes Below we present you with 20 responsive and flat WordPress themes which you can use to run your site on. Responsive means that these themes will work fine, will respond in the correct way, on any device you use. Whether that...

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Colossus Free Responsive HTML5 Website Template

Colossus Free Responsive HTML5 Website Template This week I have a new free html5 responsive website template for you called Colossus. I created Colossus based on the Foundation 5 responsive framework. With a bold orange and large typography, you'll certainly get your...

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Free Responsive Html5 Template: Silverback

Responsive Html5 Template: Silverback The free responsive html5 template of the week is called Silverback. I created Silverback to show off some of the cool things that you can do with Foundation 5. That's right, Silverback is built with Foundation 5. It features a...

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Brighton Free Responsive Html5 Template

Brighton Free Responsive Html5 Template Last week, I shared my first ever free responsive html5 website template, called Beacon Bootstrap. It was a hit, and continuing with the weekly series, this week I have another awesome free html5 template for you. The Brighton...

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Module Free Responsive Html5 Template

About the Module Free Responsive Html5 Template Each week I share great free html5 website templates, and this week is no different. This week I have found an awesome free responsive html5 template. It has a strong presence, and you won't believe it is free. I'm...

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Produkta Html5 Responsive Template

Produkta Html5 Responsive Template This week is sort of a combo package of html5 one page responsive templates. Produkta was created by and is the html5 template of the week. Want to show off products? This html5 template set will allow you to do that. Want...

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Simpler Html5 Responsive Template

Simpler Html5 Responsive Template Having a great portfolio site is essential to landing new clients. How many times have you come to a website that took too long to load, or it just didn't look good on your device? This can kill your new business potential. With a...

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Prologue Responsive Html5 Template

Prologue Responsive Html5 Template It's that time again for the Html5 website template of the week. This week's free template is from HTML5 Up and its called Prologue. The Prologue Responsive Html5 Template is a one page website design with a left sidebar. All of the...

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Enzyme Free Html5 Template

Enzyme Free Html5 Template If you're looking for a great html5 template for your website, you'll definitely want to check out the Enzyme Free Html5 Template by Ethemes. It is a great html5 template that is flexible and would be great for just about any type of...

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Web Design: 5 Steps To Going Responsive

Responsive Design Are you an expert at code and programming? Even if you are, you'll have some challenges when starting your first few responsive website designs. This is due to the complete gear change in how one thinks about these modern layouts. Before starting...

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Horus Responsive Html5 Template

Horus Responsive Html5 Template Each week I showcase what I find from around the web, and I feature different freebies here on Creative Beacon. The free html5 template of the week is Horus. The Horus Responsive Html5 Template is free to download and has a lot of nice...

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Helios Html5 Template

About the Helios Html5 Template This week's HTML5 template of the week is called Helios. Helios was created by HTML5 Up! and is a one page responsive website template. It is clean and has an immediate presence when loading in your browser. It is designed to look great...

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