website templates

20 Joomla Templates in Green

Give It the Green Light: 20 Joomla Templates in Green With the arrival of spring, nature is evolving in new bright colors, the dominant of which is green in all its shades and hues. Fresh, full of vigor and strength, new sprouts of green grass and new leaves enchant...

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Hexa Free Bootstrap Template

Hexa Free Bootstrap Template Having a unique look to your website is an essential part of branding and self promotion. You want your site to stand out against the crowd of similar sites out there. I came across a great free website template this week, called the Hexa...

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Piccolo Html5 Template

Piccolo Html5 Template Creating a website with style is what counts when you want to stand out from others. Each week I share a free html5 template, and this week, the free Piccolo Html5 Template by Wegraphics is what I deemed share worthy. The Piccolo Html5 Template...

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Do Website Templates Hurt Your Business?

Do Website Templates Hurt Your Business? When it comes to website design, every little bit counts. We create a design brief, find out what the client wants, and find out their goals, too. We go through the process of wireframing and creating mockups. We go though...

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Listen To The Music Of Ready-Made Templates

Listen To The Music Of Ready-Made Templates Have you ever wondered how long it takes to make a decent guitar? Hours of work and years of experience was put into this musical instrument. From a piece of wood to a complex and well-adjusted system, it goes all the way...

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20 Flat Templates for Others to Envy You

20 Flat Templates for Others to Envy You

20 Flat Templates for Others to Envy You Nobody knows better than you that being on the top is a hard thing to do. It's even more complicated with the evolution of people's tastes. So, it's great if your website has a design that is always trendy. What can be more...

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Big Picture Responsive Html5 Website Template

Big Picture Responsive Html5 Website Template This week's free website template is a great one page responsive website template by Html5up. They just recently released the Big Picture Responsive Html5 Website Template, which looks great. It has a clean layout, and...

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Kata Klimt Free Responsive Html5 Template

Kata Klimt Free Responsive Html5 Template Believe me, if you've ever went looking on the web for quality responsive html5 templates, you'll find that a lot of them are junk. Sometimes you'll find one that looks pretty good, but then you find out they only designed the...

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Gerdu Kreatip Free Website Mockup Psd

Gerdu Kreatip Free Website Mockup Psd Each week I share the best free Photoshop files that I can find on the web. Everyone seems to be creating free files on the web to promote their services, including myself. You have to be able to show off your skills somehow. This...

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Colossus Free Responsive HTML5 Website Template

Colossus Free Responsive HTML5 Website Template This week I have a new free html5 responsive website template for you called Colossus. I created Colossus based on the Foundation 5 responsive framework. With a bold orange and large typography, you'll certainly get your...

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Free Responsive Html5 Template: Silverback

Responsive Html5 Template: Silverback The free responsive html5 template of the week is called Silverback. I created Silverback to show off some of the cool things that you can do with Foundation 5. That's right, Silverback is built with Foundation 5. It features a...

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